Stories & Updates

Often there are great moments to share, and occasionally we run into some serious surprises.

Exploring AI

February 19, 2024

AI is very new to us and it's uses are constantly developing and expanding. Many new technologies are up and coming.

Our creative Circle of Chairs member Michael Witmer has generated an image inspired by our circle of chairs with AI art!


February 15, 2024

Dr. Richard Rose of La Verne University and his PHIL 150 students put together a short documentary with the Circle of Chairs to share our story of building the beloved community.

Building a Beloved Community. 

Uploaded by Rochelle Rose

 Circle of Chairs:

                THE BEGINNING

Janurary 6, 2023

 Did you know that during our Freshman year Natalie Shiras ‘73 was one of a small group of students who successfully demanded to be a part of the process that decided on naming Derek Bok as the President of Harvard?

An activist since high school and now a retired pastor, Natalie has continued to be a catalyst for positive change. With the focus on improving racial relationships, Natalie’s “Circle of Chairs” discussions are designed to promote learning, communication and deep understanding between participants. It has grown from a beginning group of people in her retirement community, to groups in the local police department, college classes, religious institutions and other community organizations. Natalie is proof that “it’s not too late to change the world.”

This is part of the ClassACTors Changing the World Playlist, created by Rick Brotman '73 in celebration of our upcoming 50th reunion. For more information:

Testimonial of natalie shiras

"We have partnered with the Pomona Valley branch of NAACP to develop living room dialogues on race for the last year. About 50 white people and 30 African American people have participated in these monthly dialogues. We have come a long way to deepen trust and understanding by sharing stories and experiences about race. Friendships have developed and our communities now worship together at each other’s churches and break bread at each other’s homes."

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